Olive Leaf
Olea europaea leaf.
The oil and the leaves of the olive tree are both processed for therapeutic purposes. 1 Olive leaf is used for treating conditions associated with a virus, retrovirus, bacterium or protozoan. Its applications include colds and influenza, meningitis, Epstein-Barr Virus, encephalitis, herpes, shingles, HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, dengue, and other infections. 2
Olive leaf has been used in traditional medicine to reduce fever, blood sugar, blood pressure, and as a diuretic. 3 In 1854, the Pharmaceutical Journal contained an article outlining its use to counter cases of fever and malaria. 4 Olive leaf is listed in Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Herbs as antibacterial, antioxidant and a hypoglycemic, with indications against such diverse conditions as malaria, lymphatic disorders and schistosomiasis. 5 Olive leaf has demonstrated itself to reduce fever, blood pressure and blood sugar levels, 1 and to normalize irregular heartbeat. 6
Olive leaf extract (OLE) from fresh leaves has shown antibacterial activity, with the most susceptible organisms being Campylobacter jejuni, Helicobacter pylori, and Staphylococcus aureus. It was noted that one or more components within OLE act specifically against the Gram-positive cell wall, with S. aureus particularly susceptible, and that H. pylori and C. jejuni were selectively reduced by this herb with potential for beneficially altering the gastric flora. 7
OLE extract from powdered leaves has also shown clinical success in killing off E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus, 8 as well as B. cereus, C. albicans, C. neorformans and B. subtilis. 9 The use of olive leaves as nutraceuticals was thus confirmed as potentially lowering the risk of microbial infections, particularly in the intestinal and respiratory tract, mainly due to the protective action provided by its phenolic compounds. 9
A murine study of oleanolic acid, one of the major physiologically active components in olive leaf extract, demonstrated this constituent’s ability to increase the integrity of the intestinal tight junction barrier by maintaining the expression and localisation of tight junction proteins in the gut during Salmonella typhimurium-induced diarrhoea. This mechanism ameliorates inflammation and protects intestinal health during S. typhimurium infection.
Laboratory studies have found that oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, constituents in olive leaf, have a high antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. These results suggest that olive leaf can be considered a potential source of antimicrobial agents for treating intestinal and respiratory tract infections in humans. 10 Oleuropein has both bacteriostatic and antioxidant activity. 2 There is evidence in literature to support the view that olive oil polyphenolic oleuropein is absorbed better after dietary consumption than in vitro. 11
The antiviral activity of polyphenols, found abundantly in olive leaf, has been observed against human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and C viruses, herpes simplex virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and influenza virus type A. Further, the secoiridoids found in olive leaf have been demonstrated to block the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, inhibiting virus replication. In a randomised, triple-blinded clinical trial OLE reduced the respiratory rate, pulse rate and body temperature of hospitalised COVID19 patients. It decreased their ESR and CRP rates (inflammatory markers), and shortened hospital stay. 12 As a whole the bioactive secondary metabolites of olive leaves are anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immunomodulatory and antithrombotic, providing a natural source to control the cytokine storms observed during COVID-19 infection, manage symptoms and protect against complications. 13
During the course of the 1960’s research at Upjohn showed that constituents of olive leaf have antiviral properties. Further related research has confirmed olive leaf’s efficacy in countering bacteria and parasitic protozoa also. 4 Typical administrations of olive leaf extract include up to 500 mg doses 4 times per day over a limited period. 4 Due to the lack of reliable information, olive leaf should be avoided while pregnant or breastfeeding. 2
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“Olive Leaf.” Healthwell. Health Notes. 2002. (Accessed May 31, 2003) http://www.healthwell.com/healthnotes/Herb/Olive_Leaf.cfm
Jellin JM, Batz F, Hitchens K. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Third Edition. Stockton, California: Therapeutic Research Faculty, 2000.
Bruneton J. Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Medicinal Plants. Second Edition as Translated by Caroline K. Hatton. Paris: Lavoisier Publishing, 1999.
Privitera JD. “Olive Leaf Extract: A New/Old Healing Bonanza for Mankind.” 1996. (Accessed May 31, 2003). http://www.alphazee.com/olive-leaf/olea.html
Duke JA, et. al. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Second Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2002.
Gruenwald J, et.al. PDR for Herbal Medicines. First Edition. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company, Inc., 1998.
Sudjana AN, D'Orazio C, Ryan V, Rasool N, Ng J, Islam N, Riley TV, Hammer KA. Antimicrobial activity of commercial Olea europaea (olive) leaf extract. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2009 May;33(5):461-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2008.10.026. Epub 2009 Jan 9. PMID: 19135874.
Markin D, Duek L, Berdicevsky I. In vitro antimicrobial activity of olive leaves. Mycoses. 2003 Apr;46(3-4):132-6. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0507.2003.00859.x. PMID: 12870202.
Pereira AP, Ferreira IC, Marcelino F, Valentão P, Andrade PB, Seabra R, Estevinho L, Bento A, Pereira JA. Phenolic compounds and antimicrobial activity of olive (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cobrançosa) leaves. Molecules. 2007 May 26;12(5):1153-62. doi: 10.3390/12051153. PMID: 17873849; PMCID: PMC6149345.
Bisignano G, Tomaino A, Cascio RL, Crisafi G, Uccella N, Saija A. On the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999 Aug; 51 (8): 971-4
Edgecombe SC, Stretch GL, Hayball PJ. Oleuropein, an antioxidant polyphenol from olive oil, is poorly absorbed from isolated perfused rat intestine. J Nutr. 2000 Dec;130(12):2996-3002. doi: 10.1093/jn/130.12.2996. PMID: 11110859.
Ahmadpour E, Toulabi T, Yadegarinia D, Yarahmadi S, Mohammadi R, Keyvanfar A. Efficacy of olive leaves extract on the outcomes of hospitalized covid-19 patients: A randomized, triple-blinded clinical trial. Explore (NY). 2023 Jul-Aug;19(4):536-543. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2022.10.020. Epub 2022 Oct 29. PMID: 36319585; PMCID: PMC9617633.
Abdelgawad SM, Hassab MAE, Abourehab MAS, Elkaeed EB, Eldehna WM. Olive Leaves as a Potential Phytotherapy in the Treatment of COVID-19 Disease; A Mini-Review. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Apr 13;13:879118. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.879118. PMID: 35496299; PMCID: PMC9045134.